
作者: 时间:2016-05-26 点击数:




2005.07 毕业于西安交通大学光信息科学与技术系,获学士学位。

2008.07 西安交通大学获理学硕士学位

2012.12 西安交通大学bevitor伟德官网取得博士学位(光学方向)

2012. 12入职bevitor伟德首页担任讲师。


现主持国家自然科学基金应急管理项目1项, 陕西省教育厅自然科学研究计划1项。




[1]Jun Wang, Liqing Huang*, Huimin Tong, Lipeng Zhai, Lin Yuan, Lihua Zhao, Weiwei Zhang, Dongzhi Shan, Aieen Hao, Xuehong Feng. Perforated nanocap array: Facile fabrication process and efficient surface enhanced Raman scattering with fluorescence suppression. Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22(4): 47301

[2]Jun Wang, Liqing Huang*, Lipeng Zhai, Lin Yuan, Lihua Zhao, Weiwei Zhang, Dongzhi Shan, Aiwen Hao, Xuehong Feng, Jian Zhu. Hot spots engineering in hierarchical silver nanocap array for surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Applied Surface Science, 2012, 261: 605-609

[3]Jun Wang, Liqing Huang*, Lin Yuan, Lihua Zhao, Xuehong Feng, Weiwei Zhang, Lipeng Zhai, Jian Zhu. Silver nanostructure arrays abundant in sub-5nm gaps as highly Raman-enhancing substrates. Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258(8): 3519-3523

[4] Long Cheng, Liqing Huang*, Xin Li, Ji Wu, Yu Zhang,Jun Wang, Lin Cheng, You Liu, Xuehong Feng, Weiwei Zhang, Yakun Cai. UV Plasmonic Resonance of Aluminum Shallow Pit Arrays. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119(25): 14304-14311

[5] Dongzhi Shan, Liqing Huang*, Xin Li, Weiwei Zhang,Jun Wang, Long Cheng, Xuehong Feng, You Liu, Jingping Zhu, Yu Zhang. Surface Plasmon Resonance and Interference Coenhanced SERS Substrate of AAO/Al-Based Ag Nanostructure Arrays. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118(41): 23930-23936

[6] Lei Wang, Dalin He*, Jin Zeng, Zhenfeng Guan, Qiang Dang, Xinyang Wang,Jun Wang,Liqing Huang, Peilong Cao, Guanjun Zhang. Raman spectroscopy, a potential tool in diagnosis and prognosis of castration-resistant prostate cancer. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2013, 18(8): 87001

[7] Yingjuan Ren, Jian Zhu*, Lin Yuan,Jun Wang. Focusing the non-monotonic shift of concentric double gold nanoshell by tuning the inter-shell plasmonic coupling. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2013, 10(1): 59-65

[8] 刘悠, 黄丽清*, 王军, 童慧敏, 袁林, 赵丽华, 张薇薇, 王磊, 朱键. 银纳米有序阵列 SERS 活性基底的制备及在膀胱肿瘤细胞检测中的应用. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2012, 32(2): 386-390

[9] Shenwei Bai*, Jian Zhu,Jun Wang, Lin Yuan. Non-monotonic shift of the SPR band due to radiative coupling of two dimensional gold nano-particle arrays. The European Physical Journal D, 2011, 64(2): 339-346

[10] Weiwei Zhang, Liqing Huang*, Jian Zhu, You Liu,Jun Wang. Synthesis of monodisperse Ag–Au alloy nanoparticles with large size by a facile fabrication process. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 131(1): 136-141




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